Choosing the Right Sunscreen When Wearing Hair Extensions

Summer is upon us, which means longer days, warmer weather, and an increase in outdoor activities. It's the season to soak up the sun but not without taking proper care of your skin - and if you wear hair extensions, your hair.

As we embrace the sun, it's crucial to protect our skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays using sunscreen. However, sunscreen usage and hair extensions don't always mix well. How do we then protect our skin without compromising the health and appearance of our hair extensions? Let's delve into the topic.

First, let's understand why sunscreen is essential. Sunscreen serves as a shield against the sun's damaging UV rays, reducing the risk of skin cancer and preventing premature skin aging. However, some sunscreen ingredients can negatively impact hair extensions, causing them to dry out, lose their shine, or become less manageable. It's therefore crucial to choose the right type of sunscreen that can protect your skin without damaging your hair extensions.

A mineral-based sunscreen is the BEST option. These sunscreens use active mineral ingredients, such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which sit on top of the skin and deflect the sun's rays. They are less likely to interfere with the integrity of your hair extensions, as they typically lack the heavy oils and alcohols found in their chemical counterparts.

Avobenzone and Octocrylene are the 2 ingredients to stay far away from. These 2 ingredients will turn your hair extensions a pinky peach color. Once the hair extensions turn that color we can not get it out. so PROTECT your investment of Natural Beaded Rows from Freebird Beauty Shop and use mineral.

Aside from selecting the right sunscreen, there are additional strategies you can employ to protect your hair extensions from sun damage. Wearing a hat or scarf can provide an extra layer of protection. If you're swimming, consider wearing a swim cap to shield your extensions from chlorine or saltwater, which can be drying.

Remember, it's all about balance. While protecting your skin from the sun is paramount, maintaining the health and look of your hair extensions is also essential. By choosing the right sunscreen and taking additional preventative steps, you can enjoy the sunshine worry-free.

Now that you're equipped with the knowledge, it's time to step out into the sun, flaunting your fabulous hair extensions, while knowing you've taken the steps to protect both your skin and your hair. Enjoy your sun-filled days, but remember to stay protected!



The Unparalleled Beauty and Quality of Natural Beaded Rows Hair Extensions at Freebird Beauty Shop


The Importance of Choosing a Licensed Natural Beaded Rows Artist for Your Hair Extensions.